Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Cute Kitty!!! Blog Number 5.

Hehe, look at the cute kitty! He has a frog on his head! it probably weighs like ten more pounds than him! If he was my kitty I would name him Mickey! He's really cute and fluffy! I think he should be a super star! He is awesome! He looks like Jimmy Neutron because he has a big head! I thing he thinks his head is going to fall off! Noooo!!! Kitty Mickey don't die! I LOVE YOU!
It is really cute though! I am going to get a cat just like that and name him Mickey,but I already told yall that! And yall is a word! THIS IS TEXAS PEOPLE! Haha. But anyway i think I'm going to kitty nap him! He'll be like "Noooo!" I'm going to though because he's like so cute! Just like Justin Bieber,but Justins hot! Hehe. I'll tell you what happened to the kitty.
One day Mickey was walking and playing with his friend. He wanted to climb a tree and be super man! so, Mickey pulled and pulled until he mad it up the tree then he looked up and said "I am king of this tree, that's right this one right here!" Then he.....fell off......He was rushed to the kitty kennel, (hospital) He was slung up on the dog by mittens his friend, then they got some yarn and strapped him on the dog. The dog took off and Mickey was bouncing on him.
When Mickey fell off he fell on his head and his brain fell out so he was like "Derrrr." Haha. so when he went Dr.Puffers said that Mickeys brain fell out and they couldn't find it since it was the size of a bug. so, they needed to put a new brain in his head.
Mickey ended up having to put a giant frog hat on his head to make him smart again so he always has to put that on now. But I love you Mickey!!!

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